
Congresswoman Lucy McBath seeks to become Georgia’s next governor

McBeth files paperwork to possibly place herself in the 2026 race for Georgia governor

Atlanta, Georgia – For the past six years Congresswoman Lucy McBath has been representing Georgia’s sixth district. Now the Congresswoman is exploring the possibility of running for Governor. She has made a reputable name for herself over the years fighting for gun control.

McBath was inspired to run for office afer her son Jordan Davis was murdered in Florida by, Michael Dunn. In 2012, Dunn claimed he was only defending himself after Davis threaten to kill him when they were in a confrontation about Davis’s music and Dunn asked him to turn it down. Dunn is now serving a life sentence after being convicted of first degree murder.

Since being in office McBath has helped secure $25 million in gun violence research, lead a bipartison H.R. 8 bill for gun purchase backgrounds, and more.

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