
Celebrating the life of a King

Did you know that King’s original name was “Michael?”

We all know him as Martin Luther King Jr., but did you know King’s original name was Michael? Born on January 15, 1929, King was born to Michael and Alberta King.

In 1934, the elder King went on an overseas trip to Germany with the Baptist World Alliance (BWA), and while there he learned of the teachings of Martin Luther. Luther was a German priest that the religious practice of “Lutherism” is based on.

During King’s visit to Germany, he gained respect for Luther’s teachings while he and other attendees of the BWA witnessed the rise of Nazism. King returned back home to his family in Atlanta and was inspired to take on a new identity. King changed his name from Michael King Sr. to Martin Luther King, and being that Michael King Jr. was named after him. As a result of senior changing his name, Michael King Jr.’s name was changed to Martin Luther King Jr.

Growing up, Martin Luther King Jr. was influenced by his father, who was the preacher of the very same church he would later become the preacher of, Ebenezer Baptist Church.

Today we celebrate the life of a king… Martin Luther King Jr. This year marks the 39th year that the 3rd Monday in January has been marked a day of celebrating the life and civil rights leadership of King.

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