Two separate Georgia-Florida altercations go viral

The two fights are not related as reported by several different outlets

Two separate altercations during the Georgia-Florida game have gone viral and led viewers to believe that they both are related to one another, but are not.

The first altercation happened before the game started when two Jacksonville Sheriff Deputies approached a man sitting in his seat. It has been reported by the person capturing the footage that the man was believed to not have valid tickets, and was approached to verify and confirm his seats, but the man refused to comply. The Black deputy then tased the man multiple times and a physical altercation ensued afterwards.

During the second fight between what appeared to be two sheriffs deputies and two Florida fans the video starts in the middle of the altercation. A woman could be heard screaming, “Why are you punching him. You are going to kill him.” One deputy is seen holding one Florida fan down hitting him repeatedly. The second deputy who many believe is the same deputy from the first video is seen restraining the second Florida fan while standing up beating him violently.

There is no word on what started this second altercation, the video appears to have started in the middle of everything without any explanation.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s office has released a statement through X sharing, “The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office’s Professional Standards Division is aware of the videos circulating from the Georgia-Florida football game. Administrative reviews of the incidents are being opened. As such, the agency will not comment until all facts are known and the reviews have been completed.”

Donna Keegan, the mayor of Jacksonville, has issued a statement through her spokesperson,”I’m aware of several disturbing videos circulating from yesterday’s game. I have spoken to Sheriff Waters and the incidents are under investigation. We are awaiting the outcome of that investigation.

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