
A Target for 40 days

Major retailer becomes the target of an economic protest

Stonecrest, Georgia – After ending their DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) programs in February, Target became the center of a nationwide economic protest.

Just last month, a one-day protest was held on February 28th, and Forbes reported that Target had greeted 11% fewer people in the store, and Target’s online sales were down by 9%.

This month, during the Christian observation of “Lent,” a 40-day ceremonial event that recognizes the birth and death of Jesus Christ, a 40-day boycott will be running simultaneously along with the ceremony; Lent started on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and will end on Holy Thursday (April 17). Now in its second week in operation, and led by the Atlanta metropolitan area pastor, Jamal Bryant, of New Birth Baptist Church.

On the official website of the boycott, Bryant is calling the boycott, “A Lenten Fast from Corporations: A Call to Spiritual Resistance.” The website shares, “This Lent, we will begin a corporate fast, starting with Target, as a spiritual act of resistance. “Just as Jesus overturned the tables in the temple, challenging the exploitation and hypocrisy of his day, we too must disrupt business as usual.”

Target is not the only target of this 40 day corporate fast, but Walmart, McDonalds, Ford Motors, Amazon, Meta and more.

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